Friday, May 20, 2011

okay .. well . how to start ?
i dont know how to start .. just that .. i FLUNKED
yes F L U N K E D my freaking mid year . :/ .
omg. its bad like TOTALLLYY. failed almost everything, shall
stop using my ipod and start to mugg . MUG LIKE THERES NO DAY ! .
hahha , nah , i wont , LOL . im not that nerdy ,
just working hard . for my prelims. kinda woried for my malay ,
as it is on the 30th may , haha , 10 more days !
so yeah , WORK HARD .
yeah , so i shall on my lappy like every weekend ?. for like 2 hrs ? only ?. hahha !
guess ill have to spend more time on books than my lappy .
sory lappy . i have to spend less time with you , ehehe !
Finally , im able to move on , not missing him that much well .
life have to move on right ?
but sometimes i does keep rushing back to me . hah .
SO yah ! . i have my LOVELY friends .
so they wll distract me about thinkinng about him . hehe .
I <3 my BEST FRIENDS <3<3 .
haha . btw , MY BirtHdAY IS 3 MORE DAYS !!
hehe . still dont know what should i ask from my mom for my birthday present PLUS
my N level Present, AHHH ! :O .
HAHHA . i want ABBEY DAWN can ?? urgh .
haha .
nvm. shall talk about it again with my mom later . ahhaha
so till here . sha updateyou later bloggy . HEHE :D

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