Saturday, March 31, 2012

It hurts, it hurts real bad papa.

Im broken. I saw and heard you lied. Dont think im that Stupid to know you're lying. What is this ? This world is so .. Urgh. The more older i get, the more people ive met. And that this world is corrupted by alot of things. To people to the Visual world. Cyber. What am i supposed to do now ? Inside me , its just empty. Im faking a smile. But broken in the inside. Everyday i see your face , everytime i thought about what you did. U lied to everyone. I know the truth. But you kept on lying. It hurts to see that. I wish im FAR away from you. I Wish i NEVER KNEW YOU. Why? Why must i know about this ? Why am i MAKING it so hard for myself to accept what is? Maybe because , for my whole 18 years of my life, i never THOUGHT or even crossed my mind that you would do such things. I have been observing you for the last two days. I know you felt some guiltiness. I can feel it. I am much more peaceful when im outside. Far away from you. Im SAD TO SEE MYSELF THIS WAY!!! Why are BECOMING LIKE THEM ?!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hey, so I found out about my dad. And It disturbs the hell out of me. God. I'm so disappointed with him. It's like , now , I don't know him. It's not how he used to be. I miss the old him. Sorry, but Dad, you're no more my role model. You can't be someone who I looked up to anymore. I'm sorry if I don't really talk to you that much, because you have made me disappointed in you..
Grr. I should really forget about this. It's kinda normal right ? Urghhh ~ why are you like this all of a sudden? I can't bear to hide everything from mum. She doesn't know anything. I dont know wether I can handle this. Really. I prefer to be outside then at home. At least it will help me to forget about this. Urgh ~

So anyways ! Mum bought for my sis and me a couple necklace. I know it sounds weird. Lol. I don't know why she suddenly have that idea. Whatever. Just wear it. Haha. Okay. It turns out.. Nice ! Hah.

After knowing this, I wish I never knew you dad. I'm really disappointed. Really. Superly. Extremely. I thought you never do such things , but you did. Thanks a lot dad for crushing my hopes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

SO as you can see , im super excied for Avenged Sevenfold concert this coming april. Gah! never know that i will go to their concerts. cause i didnt get to go for Paramore`s concert the last year.. and the previous year. hhaha.! ouh and i didnt even went to avenged`s 2008 concert. hahha. BUT THIS YEAR !~ im going !! how excited ! i will be going with alif. ashis friend hairil , well i dont know. he said he will be selling away his avenged ticks. damn. so its going to be and alife only then. hahaa ! we will going to have the time of our lives !~ weeeehooo !
and ! school is starting soon , and im SO Looking forward to that. I JUst cant stand wroking life , apart form getting my own hardwork money. haha. im sooo , going to shop with my money this coming payday.

OUH ! AND MY MUM said we have to save money from now , as ater when ifa going to London to continue her Degree studies in fine arts , maybe we will migrate there ..:D god ! please.i want to migrate there. please. haha. hopefully my mum really meant what she said, haha. see , how happy i am when i heard that. god! .

as for me, well i dont know what my future going to be. im just going with the flow . really. haish. have to stop . i must have agoal for me to reach. hah. so where should i start ?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's been a while since I updated my blog. Been very very very busy. So , great news , I've moved on from my previous relationship. I don't really want to talk about it. It's really pointless. So ! Been working and going out ... Ha. School is starting soon in April . So excited. God ! Wish me luck. Migrating out of Singapore. When I grow up. Please. Haha.

Nothing fun really happened , except going out with BFFL . Loved her so much . I am still looking out for Scrap books. Put in all of our Polaroid pics inside. Memories. Sweet sweet memories. Currently listening to the fray making a cover of Heartless. Ummmm. Nice nice nice. So IM SOO LOOKING FORWARD TO AVENGED sevenfold concert. Going with my DARLING ALIF <3 hah. Got a last message that Hairil not going. Waaaaat ?! So only him and me. Okay. Concert date ? Cheery fake. So weird. Going to peninsula this Saturday to buy my Avenged sevenfold Tee. God ~ SEXCITED ~